Calling all musicians! | Mybusks | 2016

Hey guys! I have very exciting news, recently Louis contacted me and I'm glad he did because he informed me about this amazing website called

How it works:
Mybusks is an online fundraising site for musicians that need a bit of extra money to make it big! If your a budding musician or not, you could make a difference today.

If you are looking to share your talent:
It's very simple really, firstly, you upload a picture and write a short description about your goal. Then, you set your target - it can be as large or small as you want. But it gets better! Even after you reach your goal, you can keep earning until your campaign is over and receive your money in as little  as one working day.

If you are looking to donate:
It's almost as simple as uploading a 'buskie' (A buskie is a musician on the site).Firstly, start looking at all the wonderful musicians on the site. If you find someone who you think has an amazing talent all you do is click on 'give' and select your amount. You can chose if you want to give anonymously or not and what's better than having the feeling that you have helped a musician achieve their goal?

I also wanted to take this opportunity to apologise for my lack of posting - it's been a very busy year but I promise to post more often. Thank you for staying!

- Rosie xx

P.s: To find Mybusks click here



  1. I look forward to donating, I'm also encouraging my cousin to join in! xx
